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LETTER: Theatre company thanks Surrey for support after trailer theft

LETTER: Theatre company thanks Surrey for support after trailer theft

‘The saying goes, a friend in need is a friend indeed, and we feel very rich in friendship department’
LETTER: Surrey will pay for Hepner’s nostalgia for choo-choos

LETTER: Surrey will pay for Hepner’s nostalgia for choo-choos

City must be blinded by its one-track mind to even think of putting road through Hawthorne Park
LETTERS: Hawthorne Park debacle demonstrates Surrey’s ineptitude

LETTERS: Hawthorne Park debacle demonstrates Surrey’s ineptitude

Three readers sound off on city council’s decision to put a road through park despite community opposition
LETTER: First Nations defending their waters

LETTER: First Nations defending their waters

Response to Tom Fletcher from salmon farm occupiers
LETTER: New niqab ban not so Canadian

LETTER: New niqab ban not so Canadian

Delta Imam Tariq Azeem says Quebec’s new law is “not very Canadian”
LETTER: Light rail is the worst decision Surrey can make

LETTER: Light rail is the worst decision Surrey can make

Surrey is an overdeveloped city with a serious lack of services and LRT will only make it worse
LETTER: Metro Vancouver mayors should care about Massey Tunnel replacement

LETTER: Metro Vancouver mayors should care about Massey Tunnel replacement

Bob Orrick of Ladner questions why mayors seem to prioritize replacing the Pattullo Bridge
Letter: Time for Canada to move away from production and transport of fossil fuels

Letter: Time for Canada to move away from production and transport of fossil fuels

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Liabilities of a rapacious industry

Although climate change is a reality, our reliance on it to shrug off certain environmental changes is often overdone.
LETTER: Millennials are fed up with climate dismissives

LETTER: Millennials are fed up with climate dismissives

Alyssa Taburiaux argues the connection between hurricanes and global warming shouldn’t be downplayed