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OUR VIEW: Surrey foot stink fueled by juvenile feud

It’s not every day you go grocery shopping and someone drives over your foot
Keep the RCMP in Surrey campaign founder Ivan Scott (left) speaks to Surrey Mayor Doug McCallum in South Surrey Saturday Sept. 4. (@captainramona Twitter photo)

It’s not every day you go grocery shopping and someone drives over your foot.

But that’s what Surrey Mayor Doug McCallum claims happened to him on Saturday, strangely enough outside the very grocery story where members of the Keep the RCMP in Surrey were collecting signatures for their cause. There is definitely no love lost between these opposing forces. Was it destiny that they should cross paths – volatile as matter meeting anti-matter, ying meeting yang, the Hatfields meeting the McCoys – purely happenstance, or both?

The Surrey RCMP has the unenviable task of sorting out who did or didn’t do what. Hopefully the investigators will obtain CCTV footage and reliable witness testimony to assist in their quest for the truth.

READ ALSO: Police seeking witnesses after Surrey mayor alleges he was ‘run over by a vehicle’

READ ALSO: Surrey mayor says he was ‘run over by a vehicle’ during altercation with Surrey RCMP supporters

READ ALSO: Surrey Police Vote files intimidation complaint against mayor with Elections BC

Both sides are diametrically opposed, as always, to the other’s account of what went down. For the record, McCallum claims he was “verbally assaulted and then run over.” Ivan Scott, of Keep the RCMP in Surrey, says McCallum’s version is “ridiculous.” Scott, who says he didn’t actually see the alleged incident, says the mayor’s claim is “absolute rubbish,” while on social media – that cratered battlefield upon which poppies will no longer grow, given the many classless skirmishes between the mayor’s camp and the Keep the RCMP in Surrey group – Coun. Allison Patton actually wrote that “attempted murder is a very serious action.”

One thing is for certain – this episode in the ongoing war between the mayor and this citizens’ group has certainly descended to a new depth of juvenility and provides no good role model to the thousands of elementary school students who this week are trying to negotiate their way through sandbox and recess politics.


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About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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