Eyebrows get raised whenever a premier claims the population he’s governing is “relentlessly optimistic.”
That’s what NDP Premier David Eby had to say this week – “British Columbians remain relentlessly optimistic about their province – and with good reason” – as the Throne Speech was delivered.
We’ve all, of course, witnessed plenty of “relentless” optimism at the grocery store, while paying at the gas pump and watching rising interest rates spin by like so many cherries and 7s on the display face of a slot machine.
Ding, ding, ding, ding, you lose – vote again.
READ ALSO: B.C. government to make heavy use of spending surplus: Throne Speech
It is a wonder that, while so many people in B.C. and elsewhere in Canada have been struggling to make ends meet, B.C.’s government indicates it collected a “significant surplus” of tax dollars. Surplus?
Apparently you can squeeze blood out of a stone. The Throne Speech indicates this precious liquid that’s been pressed out from the taxpaying masses will now be put toward our mutual rescue from a “likely economic storm.”
Thanks Dave.
Meanwhile, Canada’s 13 premiers – we wonder how many of them also collected a “significant surplus” from their wards – are this week putting the squeeze to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who’s made a career of disproportionately raining Canadian taxpayers’ money on other nations, in pursuit of a fix to our nation’s desperado health care system.
More reason to be “relentlessly optimistic?”
It would almost – almost – be amusing to behold this country’s current political carnival unfold if so many Canadians weren’t already falling through the cracks.
– Now-Leader
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