It’s time for some sober reflection.
Canada’s latest guide on alcohol and health, issued Jan. 17, suggests having more than six alcoholic beverages per week puts your health at risk, with three to six “standard drinks” each week posing a “moderate risk” to your health and the more you drink above that, the greater your risk for developing seven types of cancer, “most types of cardiovascular diseases, liver disease and violence.”
Therefore, we’re told, it’s best to have no more than two drinks per week to achieve “low risk” status.
Previous guidelines encouraged women to have no more than two drinks per day and no more than 10 per week, while the guidelines for men were no more than three per day and no more than 15 per week.
So, should liquor stores and pubs be worried for lost business on account of this?
Not a chance.
READ ALSO: Worried about Canada’s new alcohol guidance? Try a damp January
Every week, it seems we are told certain food is bad for us, and then it’s good for us, until it becomes bad again. The mixed messaging is almost enough to drive some to drink. So is, ironically, wallet-walloping taxation on beer, wine and spirits in this province.
We live in a society of don’t do this, stop doing that, wear a helmet when taking a shower.
Historians figure people have been consuming alcohol since about 7000 B.C.
Morons have been around even longer.
As Einstein said, “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity.”
That’s the real threat.
Once you’ve conquered that particular obstacle, moderation and the ability to exercise a little self-restraint should be within reach.
– Now-Leader
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