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OUR VIEW: Best unburden the bins, Surrey

People using local parks must also do their part by not trying to chuck more trash into overflowing bins
A Surrey councillor is calling on the city to empty overflowing trash bins in local parks. (File photo: Tom Zytaruk)

If you’ve ever strolled through one of Surrey’s many parks only to find a garbage bin overflowing with refuse, and Styrofoam cups and whatever else scattered on the ground around its base, you are not alone.

While seeing fallen leaves scattered around the base of a tree is something you can of course expect to see in our natural environment, seeing human litter mimicking this is truly sad.

Surrey Coun. Jack Hundial is calling for a “better level of service” for picking up garbage around bins “overflowing” with trash in city parks.

We couldn’t agree more.

READ ALSO: Surrey councillor says trash bins ‘overflowing’ in city parks

Hundial made his remarks prior to council recently approving $1,210,067.04 in contracts to provide landscape maintenance services in our city parks. That’s no small coin.

While the challenge has been made for work crews to better tackle this problem, which not only creates eyesores but also attracts vermin, the responsibility is not exclusively theirs.

Everyone who uses the parks must do their part by not heaping more trash on top of a bin with clearly no more room for it.

Also, if you encounter a stuffed bin on your local journeys, definitely let city hall know about it by reporting the situation on, or by calling the city’s switchboard at 604-591-4011 or the Parks, Recreation and Culture general line at 604-501-5050.

Make your tax dollars work for you.

They’re called civil servants for a reason.


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About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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