A Surrey man has been charged in connection with a July 2017 case where a Newton woman was held against her will and threatened with an X-acto knife.
Devon Paul, 30, has been charged with forcible confinement, assault with a weapon and uttering threats. He has been released on bail and is next expected to appear in court on Feb. 13.
Police said the alleged victim was grabbed on the street, held against her will and forced to walk with her attacker to her apartment in Newton, at 12:50 a.m. July 20, 2017, in the 13700-block of 72A Avenue.
“Thankfully the victim only received minor injuries,” Surrey RCMP Corporal Scotty Schumann said. He said the woman was forced into her apartment building and her attacker demanded she empty her pockets. Once at her apartment, he said, the woman’s family scared the attacker off.
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