Calling all past and new volunteers to help keep our roads safe this holiday season: Operation Red Nose is back for its 14th year serving the communities of Delta and Richmond.
Since 2002, the Delta Gymnastics Society, in partnership with ICBC, Richmond RCMP and Delta Police, has operated the award winning program in Delta and Richmond. The service is provided from the last weekend of November (25-26) through December (2-3, 9-10, 16-17 and 31) between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 3:00 a.m.
“We are so fortunate to have many seasoned volunteers that return year after year to help us out, but as the demand grows, we need to continue to recruit new volunteers,” said Carlene Lewall, Operation Red Nose Coordinator. “We would like to encourage couples, co-workers or friends to come one night and drive people to and from your community. It is a fun and rewarding experience as you are actively giving back to keep your neighbours safe.”
Volunteers are needed in the dispatch office, as are drivers and navigators. All volunteers are required to complete a criminal record check (at no cost to them) prior to participating in the program. Training is provided so no experience is necessary.
“If you want to learn more about this program, join us at our orientation session on Thursday, Nov. 17 at the Coast Tsawwassen Inn at 7:00 p.m.,” Lewall added. “We also have an orientation each night prior to driving.”
Operation Red Nose was founded in Quebec in 1984 to combat impaired driving while at the same time supporting amateur sport in our communities. The program’s goal is to make sure that anyone who has been drinking, or is too tired, does not drive. By simply calling the dispatch number, a team of three volunteers will pick you and your vehicle up from your event and take you home safely. By offering a completely safe, free, confidential way to get home, lives will be saved on our roadways.
“We could not operate this program without our valuable volunteers. Last year we had 392 volunteers who did 592 rides,” Lewall said. “Volunteers are the basic ingredient for this excellent program to function. The added benefit is that through this service we benefit both the communities in which we live and we contribute toward amateur sports to benefit youth.”
To get involved, call Delta Gymnastics at 604-943-0460 or email Volunteer applications are also available on the ORN Delta website at
For additional information, please contact Operation Red Nose – Delta & Richmond Region through Carlene Lewall, Delta Gymnastics Society, at 604-943-0460 or clewall@