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VIDEO: Rescuers free 2 humpbacks tied together near Vancouver Island

VIDEO: Rescuers free 2 humpbacks tied together near Vancouver Island

Two whales disentangled near Campbell River
K'ómoks First Nation initials Treaty with Canada, B.C.

K'ómoks First Nation initials Treaty with Canada, B.C.

Initialling ceremony a significant step towards treaty ratification
B.C. community launches North America's largest electric garbage truck fleet

B.C. community launches North America's largest electric garbage truck fleet

Electric waste collection trucks begin hitting Comox Valley streets
Robots, technology take care in B.C.'s innovative new dementia village

Robots, technology take care in B.C.'s innovative new dementia village

Robots, tunable lighting and resident-centred care all featured in new facility
Cougar bites woman in Vancouver Island's Strathcona Park

Cougar bites woman in Vancouver Island's Strathcona Park

Two hikers encountered cougar near remote lake in Strathcona Provincial Park
Safety options floated in wake of B.C. highway’s payphone closures

Safety options floated in wake of B.C. highway’s payphone closures

Highway part of Vancouver Island trunk radio system, cell service is spotty
Lonely stretch of B.C. highway mourns final call for its last pay phone

Lonely stretch of B.C. highway mourns final call for its last pay phone

Residents concerned about emergency coverage on Vancouver Island between Campbell River and Sayward
Boaters warned against approaching as B.C. orphan orca works to find family

Boaters warned against approaching as B.C. orphan orca works to find family

Ehattesaht Nation, DFO stepping up patrols to ensure kwiisaḥiʔis does not encounter humans
First Nations Leadership Council joins call for probe into lack of police prosecutions

First Nations Leadership Council joins call for probe into lack of police prosecutions

‘We are shocked and angered, and will not be backing down’ — FNLC
Watchdog wants B.C. to probe lack of prosecutions in police use of force

Watchdog wants B.C. to probe lack of prosecutions in police use of force

None of the 15 IIO cases taken to trial where officers have not pled guilty have ended in conviction