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VIDEO: One fatality confirmed in Agassiz-Rosedale bridge crash, says RCMP

Investigators are seeking witnesses to crash that killed pickup driver in his 30s from northern B.C.
Crash that killed a man on the Agassiz-Rosedale Bridge closed the bridge for several hours. (Facebook)

The head-on collision that closed the Agassiz-Rosedale bridge on Wednesday (Jan. 26) resulted in one fatality, RCMP confirmed.

Chilliwack RCMP and emergency responders were called to the two-vehicle crash on the bridge between a pickup and a semi transport truck just after 3:30 p.m.

“Upon arrival it was determined that a northbound pickup truck with a lone occupant entered the oncoming lane and collided head-on with a southbound transport truck.

“The driver of the pickup, a man in his 30s from northern B.C., died in the collision. The driver of the transport truck was uninjured,” according to the media release.

(Video by Shane MacKichan)

Highway 9 was closed for several hours. A minor fuel spill had to be cleaned up prior to the highway being re-opened near midnight.

“BC Highway Patrol Chilliwack has assumed conduct of this investigation with assistance from the Integrated Collision Analysis and Reconstruction Service, the BC Coroners’ Service and Commercial Vehicle Safety and Enforcement officers.”

Investigators are seeking witnesses.

Anyone with information regarding this collision is asked to contact BC Highway Patrol in Chilliwack at 604-702-4039 and reference file 2022-3209.

RELATED: Head-on crash closed bridge and highway

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Jennifer Feinberg

About the Author: Jennifer Feinberg

I have been a Chilliwack Progress reporter for 20+ years, covering city hall, Indigenous, business, and climate change stories.
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