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North Delta crime beat: week of Jan. 23

A selection of property crimes submitted weekly by the Delta Police Department
(James Smith photo)

The purpose of the crime beat is to educate and inform the public about some of the property crime trends occurring in North Delta and other files of interest. It is submitted weekly by the Delta Police Department. If you see anything occurring that you believe to be suspicious, call 911 for in progress crimes and emergencies or 604-946-4411 for other assistance.

The following are some of the calls Delta Police responded to in the previous week:

• Jan. 23, 12:42 p.m., 11900-block 80 Ave: Complainant reported that sometime in December someone stole their renewed driver’s license from their community mailbox. The complainant became aware of a possible theft when they found their personal information had been used to apply for two credit cards and they had received letters of denial.

• Jan. 23, 12:58 p.m., 9000-block Hayward Place: Complainant report that someone had gained access to their vehicle parked outside their residence overnight. Items stolen include a wallet, a saw and a laser level.

• Jan. 24, 11:26 a.m., 10800-block Burbank Drive: Complainant reported that their vehicle was entered overnight and several items stolen. There was no damage to the vehicle and the complainant advised that they likely left the vehicle unlocked. Items stolen include three pairs of prescription sunglasses and regular glasses, plus several personal items.

• Jan. 25, 10:35 a.m., 11400-block of 81A Ave: Complainant reported their wife’s vehicle had the windows smashed. Items stolen include a camera stand and a bag of martial arts equipment valued at approximately $350. A second vehicle which was left unlocked was also entered and rummaged through, but nothing was missing.

• Jan. 25, 5:28 p.m., 11800-block of 86 Ave: Complainant reported a break and enter to their residence. The complainant left the rear sliding door ajar and when they returned they found the sliding door had been taken off. Items stolen include $90 in cash and a USA entry waiver. A police file number was required in order to replace the U.S. waiver.

• Jan. 27, 6:30 p.m., 8400-block of 116A St: Complainant reported an attempt was made to open a cell phone account in their name. The cell phone company was contacted and confirmed that there was a credit check conducted but an account was not opened.

• Jan. 27, 7:30 p.m., 7800-block of 120 St: Complainant reported the strata mailbox installed by Canada Post was broken into. It’s unknown if any mail was missing. Damage to lock and frame on mailbox was approximately $100. Canada Post was advised of the damage.

• Jan. 28, 5:12 p.m., 11800-block of 72 Ave: Complainant reported their vehicle was entered and items stolen sometime over the past couple days. The complainant unsure where the theft occurred and advised that they likely left the vehicle unlocked as there was no damage to the vehicle. Items stolen from the trunk were valued at approximately $800 and include a blue Hugo Boss jacket and a black Apple Watch.

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About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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