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Car rally in Surrey aims to battle gang violence, drug abuse

'There is an urgent need to get everyone's attention, especially the youth,' PICS says
A previous PICS car rally in Surrey shown in video posted to

Surrey-based PICS Society is planning another Car Rally and Walk to bring awareness to incidents of gang violence and drug abuse across Metro Vancouver.

The event, in Surrey in the morning and afternoon of Friday, Sept. 6, is part of the organization's REACH initiative, (Realize, Educate, Accept, Communicate, Help), which aims to create awareness and share information about available resources for having drug- and gang-free communities.

Starting at 9 a.m., the car rally will head out from PICS’ head office in Newton (12725 80 Ave.) and travel north to Surrey City Hall for 11 a.m. From there, people will walk to Holland Park for speeches, information booths and other activities ending at 2 p.m.

PICS (or Progressive Intercultural Community Services Society) has been holding similar rallies in recent years.

"There is an urgent need to get everyone's attention, especially the youth, as the gang homicides and drug overdose cases are rising every year," stated Satbir Singh Cheema, PICS president and CEO.

"Illegal drug use and distribution tends to go hand-in-hand with the ongoing gang conflict and violence occurring in B.C.," Cheema added. "Demographics show that children as young as 13 are being lured into entering gangs."

PICS’ goal, he said, is to "impact individuals and continue to create awareness and educate our communities about the importance of providing programs, services and support systems.

"It is important for us to educate our communities about the resources available and try to bring as much awareness as possible to help those who are involved in gang- and drug-related activities."





Tom Zillich

About the Author: Tom Zillich

I cover entertainment, sports and news for Surrey Now-Leader and Black Press Media
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